Letter from Dr. Feingold
Dear Parents:
Some interesting and important events occurred during the past quarter.
The FDA science symposium, “Effects of Foods and Drugs on the Development and Function of the Nervous System: Methods for Predicting Toxicity” was very important. The program was restricted to presentations at the biochemical and cellular levels. I was the only clinician on the program. This is unquestionably quite significant, since it indicates the new direction in the field of behavior, learning disabilities and delinquency.
The complexity of the problem becomes apparent upon reviewing the various presentations, which will be published in book form early in 1980. The program supports the statement of August 13, 19779 by Acting FDA Commissioner, Sherwin Gardner to Congressman Waxman, Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and Environment: “To prove or disprove this deceptively simple hypothesis has proven to be a more formidable and complex task than was anticipated.”
… I am pleased to report the proposed plan of th schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, who are instituting a program of nutrition education in the schools, from Kindergarten through Grade 12.
In addition to involving the children in nutrition, the parents will also be incorporated as part of the program. This is the ideal sitaution, which should be the objective for all parent associations.
It is also of interest that I am addressing the judges of the Juvenile Courts of the State of California at a luncheon meeting in Newport Beach, California, on March 29th. This, too,
With best wishes,
Ben F. Feingold, MD