Journal of Attention Disorders, Vol. 3(1): 30-48 (1999)
This review of “alternative” treatments was undertaken for the National Institute of Health (NIH) 1998 Consensus Development Conference on ADHD.
23 treatments were identified. Some were considered effective or possibly effective for particular subgroups or in particular circumstances. Some were recommended as the treatment of choice in particular situations – such as thyroid treatment, which is effective only in the case of a thyroid abnormality.
Each type of treatment and related data, as well as risks, is described and rated 0-6, with 0 = “not worth considering further” and 6 = “should be considered established treatment for the appropriate subgroup.”
The Oligoantigenic (few foods) diet was given a rating of 5 =“has convincing double-blind evidence of efficacy in multiple trials for a properly selected subgroup.”
NOTE: Oligoantigenic diets always exclude synthetic food dyes.
QUOTE (sans citations): “… at least 8 controlled studies have demonstrated either significant improvement compared to a placebo condition (disguised full diet) or deterioration on a placebo-controlled challenge of offending substances after an open diet trial and open challenge to identify the substance.”
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