British Journal of Dermatology, 2008. Dec;159(6):1368-9.
This is a case report of several patients with disabling salicylate-induced intolerance including severe urticaria, asthma, and anaphylactic reactions. After dietary supplementation with 10 g daily of fish oils rich in omega-3 for 6-8 weeks all of them experienced complete or virtually complete resolution of symptoms allowing discontinuation of systemic corticosteroid therapy. Symptoms relapsed after dose reduction. In two other patients with urticaria but without salicylate intolerance, the fish oil didn’t help symptoms. The authors discuss related genetic polymorphisms.
QUOTE: “Fish oil appears a safe and effective treatment for this difficult and often serious condition.”
NOTE: 10 grams appears to be a very high dose of fish oil, and it is not clear whether what is meant is the amount of oil, or the amount of EPA and/or DHA in the oil. For example, the Vitacost brand of Mega EFA contains 2,100 mg fish oil, including 800 EPA and 400 DHA per dose (2 capsules). 10 g = 10,000 mg which would be 10 of the Vitacost capsules per day. If the 10 grams is intended to be the combined EPA and DHA amounts, then it would be 17 capsules per day, which is quite a formidable amount to swallow. Most studies I have seen showing that fish oil is effective (for anything) use at least 3 grams per day…. so don’t be surprised if you see little medical benefit from following the bottle directions of 2 capsules per day.
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