Today I have finally listed all the “open” research studies collected up to now. This brings the Library Text Collection up to more than 3,000 papers listed.
Now to start the next part of the project — updating the list with all the rest of the “closed” (copyright protected) studies which will require passwords.
I hope some of you will find this list interesting and perhaps helpful in your own search for information. It contains studies geared to my own interests, of course – diet, environment, vaccinations, toxins, and their relationship to health and behavior. And occasionally something unexpected that simply caught my attention, or something really really old like MARQUEZ 1899 which can give a really good idea of how long ago something was known (or not) or what they were thinking back then.
If you have something to suggest that you think I missed, I’ll be happy to hear about it.
Meanwhile, feel free to visit the Collection at