Cell Metabolism, 2016 July 12;24(1): 75-90
Both flies and mice have the same pathways which are triggered by sucralose (Splenda) to make the body think it is starving and increase the desire to eat. Wang explains that a sweet taste without any calorie content creates the sensation of fasting and increases calorie consumption. It also promotes hyperactivity, insomnia, and glucose intolerance. All these problems are reversible by taking away the sweeteners.
Will it do the same for humans? Well, we do have genetic, hormonal, and neurotransmitter pathways very similar to both flies and mice.
NOTE: If you use any of the artificial sweeteners, experiment on yourself and see if you are hungrier at lunch when you put artificial sweetener in your breakfast coffee or when you use real sugar.
NOTE: Artificial sweeteners like sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame are not acceptable on the Feingold, the Paleo, or the Failsafe diets. They should probably be avoided by everybody else, too, as much as possible.