57,619 more signatures are needed to make it to 150,000 signatures.
Tell the FDA to Ban Harmful Synthetic Food Dyes
A number of studies – and an emerging scientific consensus – demonstrate that some children experience episodes of inattention, hyperactivity, and other harmful behavioral effects following exposure to synthetic dyes. Many of these dyes including Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, require warning labels in Europe because of adverse health effects. Yet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has failed to act to ban these cheap, synthetic chemicals with no nutritional or essential value from food. Please sign the CSPI petition asking the FDA to ban synthetic food dyes in the United States, and, in the meantime, to require a warning label on dye-containing foods and beverages.
Meanwhile, on March 15th – just a few days ago – the CSPI sent a letter to the FDA requesting the following warning be placed on foods with artificial food dyes, saying:
WARNING: This food contains synthetic food colorings that may impair the behavior of some children.