Although humans have the gene to make Vitamin C (as most other animals do), that gene is inactive. Thus, humans must get it solely from dietary sources. Because of the way it is taken up and handled by our bodies, the concentration of Vitamin C is very variable in different organs and tissues.
Although normally Vitamin C is recycled within the body, this does not work well in smokers and other high-risk individuals, thus requiring a larger intake to maintain an adequate amount of Vitamin C. Figure 2, below, illustrates how Vitamin C is distributed in the body, in different organs. Some will maintain their levels at the expense of others when there is a shortage.
Lack of knowledge and research design flaws have led to misconceptions, misinterpretations, and erroneous conclusions in the scientific literature.
QUOTE: “So far, the overtly exaggerated optimistic view that enough vitC can cure everything has been battling the dismissive negligence of refusal to re-examine the literature based on new evidence. The balance between these two extremes needs to be identified in order to realize the potential of vitC in both health and disease for the future.”