Journal of Medical Virology, Oct;93(10):5833-5838
In an effort to see if Ivermectin would be effective in patients hospitalized with Covid-19, the authors gave half of them 12 mg of the drug for 3 (three) days. There were 82 patients in each group with “mild to moderate” illness.
NOTE: As they were all in the hospital, it is unlikely they were “mildly” sick by the usual definition, and their symptoms were not defined. Nevertheless, it was noted that only 3 of each group (3.6%) needed ventilation.
In spite of the short treatment time with a small dose of the drug, there was a trend toward a favorable outcome, although it did not reach significance.
NOTE: Why they were given the experimental drug (in addition to “usual care”) for only 3 days was not discussed, but in their Discussion they did recommend increasing the dosage in future trials.
Conflict of Interest: None declared, and none of the authors appeared to be connected to vaccine manufacturers.